Corporate / Business Loans

It’s common knowledge that the banks aren’t lending to companies and businesses as much as they used to, and many other firms gives you a long application process that leads to a ‘no’ or an "out of bound" interest rate. We at Bestford Capital with plenty of cash to lend, and don’t have the same restrictions as banks, are prepared to lend to a much broader spectrum of companies, businesses and various sectors, offering the full range of finance. With Bestford Capital, you can expect more flexible criteria and much faster applications - closing, securing the needed funds for companies and businesses.
Aviation / Shipping Financing
Aviation and Shipping is one of the world’s fastest-moving sectors, combining technology, innovation, entrepreneurialism, economic development, infrastructure support, demographic growth, contribution to globalization and a touch of glamour. Progress in this sector is impressive in its speed and diversified in its nature. Consequently, our strategy at Bestford Capital is geared to offering our clients the most efficient financial services “where money and metal meet” – irrespective of industry and economic cycles.

Healthcare Financing

Health financing is fundamental to the ability of health systems to maintain and improve human welfare. At the extreme, without the necessary funds no health workers would be employed, no medicines would be available and no health promotion or prevention would take place. We at Bestford Capital facilitates the function of a health system concerned with the mobilization, accumulation and allocation of money to cover the health needs of the people, individually and collectively, in the health system… the
purpose of health financing is to make funding available, as well as to set the right financial incentives to providers, to ensure that all individuals have access to effective public health and personal health care.
Agricultural / Renewable Energy Financing

Our esteemed finance experts at Bestford Capital Pte. Ltd. remains top among the world renowned most reliable financial organizations readily available to provide funds in the agricultural sector ranging from short, medium and long-term loans, to leasing of bank instruments and

advancing renewable energy projects towards financial closure. However, in recent years we have taken some of this core expertise and deployed it in the growing renewable energy sector. Our view is that the funding of renewable energy projects has many similar characteristics to real estate funding in that the phased approach to building development and turbine or solar site construction are quite alike. Once a project becomes operational then it is akin to a long term investment loan.
Equipment Financing

Equipment finance is a common tool used by lots of companies as part of a business recovery program, as it can help improve cash flow and also improve working capital. It typically involves we at Bestford Capital as the lender giving business finance that is secured by a piece of equipment to our clients worldwide.
Other Financing Includes...
Manufacturing Financing
Construction Financing
Mining Financing
Commercial Real Estate Financing
Small Business Financing
Equity Financing
Import and Export Financing, e.t.c.